
Homesick - Kings of Convenience

       三年前开始听Kings Of Convenience和Lady & Bird。那时候自己刚刚孤身来到一座新的城市,开始新的生活,却对眼前的事物全无探索的热情。融入前的挣扎与困顿,融入后的自欺与懒散,都让自己无比怀疑着正经历的生活。


       听到Kings Of Convenience的第一首歌是《Homesick》,两个干净清新的男声完美的交织在一起,让人感到神秘而又浪漫,仿佛自己正经历着一场旅行,在北欧的某个小城里,那里有海和整年冻结的冰,一个人去往森林的腹地看那些大大小小的矿藏。骑着自行车绕着静谧的城市四处观光,路过在港口停泊的木船,在水边的咖啡馆小憩一下,或者是随意走进一家馆藏丰富的现代艺术馆。与街头的艺人坐着聊聊天,听他弹上一段管风琴或者讲一个美丽的故事。

       Kings Of Convenience的力量在于他们总能让你安静,让你无论怎样的忙碌都会停下手头的所有事,随着他们的音乐在头脑中经历一场美满的旅行。

       而Lady & Bird更像是两个音乐的精灵,纯美如孩童一般。他们用音乐表达悲喜与诉求,对生命有着最细腻地感知和最真切地关怀。每一次听他们的音乐都会想到两个甜美的孩子在草地上小心翼翼地构筑着自己手中的小木屋,偶尔吵闹,偶尔哭泣,却永远不知疲乏,永远不会无助。每一次的伤心都会得到关怀,每一次的哭闹都会拥有糖果。


    I'll lose some sales and my boss won't be happy,

    but I can't stop listening to the sound

    of two soft voices

    blended in perfection

    from the reels of this record that I've found.

    Every day there's a boy in the mirror asking me:

    What are you doing here?

    Finding all my previous motives

    growing increasingly unclear.

     I've traveled far and I've burned all the bridges

     I believed as soon as I hit land

    all the other options held before me,

    would wither in the light of my plan.

    So I'll lose some sales and my boss won't be happy,

    but there's only one thing on my mind

    searching boxes underneath the counter,

    on a chance that on a tape I'd find:

    a song for someone who needs somewhere to long for.


    Because I no longer know where home is.

